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Is Your Partner Falling Out of Love? (5 Signs)

Image By Gorynvd From Shutterstock

No.2: They prefer spending all their time alone instead of with you

This one may seem small or inconsequential, but it is something to keep in mind if you are already suspecting your partner is falling out of love with you. In the end, it could be that you both need to get used to spending some time alone, as it can be healthy for your relationship.

However, when it has gotten to the point that you are spending way more time apart than together, you should start to ask yourself some questions! There could be some issues in your relationship that could be solved with a heart-to-heart conversation!

The truth is that research has shown that couples are happiest when they get to enjoy time together with their partners. So, if your partner suddenly no longer wants to spend time with you or appears bored when you finally do something together, this is a major red flag that you should address right away!

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One Response

  1. I’ve been told by six women over the years the love story, the woman factor changes like the weather. “Good for as long as I dig it.” Otherwise, it’s out the door M/F. It’s been my life’s experience that you cannot trust most women. That’s the truth, like it or not. A woman is here today and gone tomorrow. A man may never know what page they are on, surprises always come up. Some of the problem could be the hormone factor, gets uncontrollable, they just go wild and crazy. Start having sex out of their marriage and so on, then act like there’s nothing wrong. “Marriage vows are in fact plain Bull Shit.” I like why waste your time and energy stating vows that are gone tomorrow. My take on it.

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