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Is Your Partner Falling Out of Love? (5 Signs)

Photo by Daisy Daisy from Shutterstock

No.4: They no longer want to be intimate with you

Let us preface this section by saying that we are not saying that you should be intimate in such a way in order to have a loving relationship. After all, this act is not the reason why people fall in love in the first place, and it is not a requirement for people to fall in love either. However, it is one of the parts of a relationship that you have to keep in mind as well, and where there is a complete lack of intimacy, maybe you should start thinking about your partner falling out of love.

This does not mean that you should jump to conclusions. After all, factors such as not being in the mood or other things could be at play, even the fact that maybe you both no longer desire this type of activity. However, if you have suddenly noticed a change and you are no longer as frequently physically intimate as you once were, you should be concerned.

If anything, it may not be a sign that they fell out of love with you but rather that there is something wrong. And, remember, the key to a healthy, loving relationship is communication, and this includes communicating in relation to the intimate side of your connection as well.

So you should take this realization and use it to spark a conversation. You could find out what the problem is and resolve it, or you could get confirmation of your suspicions and decide whether or not your partner has fallen out of love.

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One Response

  1. I’ve been told by six women over the years the love story, the woman factor changes like the weather. “Good for as long as I dig it.” Otherwise, it’s out the door M/F. It’s been my life’s experience that you cannot trust most women. That’s the truth, like it or not. A woman is here today and gone tomorrow. A man may never know what page they are on, surprises always come up. Some of the problem could be the hormone factor, gets uncontrollable, they just go wild and crazy. Start having sex out of their marriage and so on, then act like there’s nothing wrong. “Marriage vows are in fact plain Bull Shit.” I like why waste your time and energy stating vows that are gone tomorrow. My take on it.

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