How do you feel about divorce? If you think about saying goodbye to your spouse, read this!
It’s never easy to accept that there might be no love left between you and your partner and decide to let everything go and move on with your life. And if I’m being honest, I don’t think that love is enough to make people stay together. I come from a divorced family where my dad was almost never around, used to drink, and stole my mother’s money.
She was strong enough to put up with his behavior because she wanted me to grow up with both parents in the house, but when she couldn’t stand my dad anymore, she decided to call it quits. She was hurt, and her decision brought her a lot of pain, so she thought she might bring back the spark and the respect they used to have, and she tried to reconcile.
But my dad didn’t change his behavior, and things were so bad that eventually she let their marriage and what used to be her life go. So yes, I can say that I understand how painful it is to file divorce papers and say goodbye to what you used to have.
Even though almost every relationship can be revived if both spouses are willing to change and make things work, success is not guaranteed. You might be afraid to say the word divorce, or maybe you think that there’s still something you could save. It’s not a decision you could take in a snap.
But if you can’t really decide what to choose, there are a couple of signs that a divorce might be the best decision, so you could both move on to the next chapters of your beautiful and happy lives.