2. Both partners already have a “full” life on the side
According to experts, most affairs last anywhere from several weeks to a year. In fact, it isn’t common for a love affair to last any longer.
However, those that do last for years tend to have something in common: the adultery isn’t between one married individual and one single individual, but rather between two married people.
When two married individuals start having an affair, there’s no drama or confusion. Both parties know what they want—some adventure and excitement on the side, nothing more. They are satisfied and happy with the life they’ve established and built with their partner, even if they aren’t completely content with their partner’s company any longer.
They probably have a career, a family with kids, and a home, and the last thing they want is to ruin all that just because of some fling. Marriage on both sides usually erases the need to ask questions like “Will he or she ever leave their partners?” or “Why am I always on the second spot?”. This situation often makes some affairs last for years.