3. Some people won’t stop until they are caught
Some affairs last for years, too, because those who are fully aware that the affair is wrong love that part of it. While this may sound weird, they enjoy betraying their spouse, and there are several possible reasons for this.
One would be that the partner who is cheating doesn’t feel like they are being heard enough in the relationship. Another possible explanation is that they are taking revenge on their spouse for something they did (perhaps the spouse cheated on them in the past).
A third reason why some affairs last for years would be that the partner cheating is simply inherently spiteful and enjoys that they are lying to and betraying the one person who is supposed to be closest to them.
For married partners who do that, the excitement is less about sleeping with someone new but rather about the act of sneaking around behind their spouse’s back.
In this situation, they know that the only thing that will stop them is the partner finding out. It’s a kind of self-destructiveness, but one they choose willingly, making some affairs last for years.