8. They Give You Time to Be Alone With Your Thoughts
When your significant other cheats on you, it can have terrible effects on your mental health. Once you find out that your partner has been cheating on you, you feel like they have opened the gates to a flood of sadness, anger, confusion, pain, and even rage. Your partner’s betrayal can seriously diminish your self-worth, resulting in a loss of self-confidence.
So, before you even start asking yourself whether you should forgive them or not, and before you start wondering if they really regret cheating and won’t do it again, you really should give yourself the time you need to process your emotions and thoughts.
To put it another way, you should give yourself time to heal. If your partner wants to win you back, he or she will be patient and give you as much time as you need. They will accept the fact that you need some time alone because they are aware that you have a lot on your plate right now.
However, they will also make it clear that they will be there, waiting for the moment you are ready to talk.