9. Your spouse doesn’t smile
Another one of the telling signs your spouse hates you is that she or he doesn’t smile at you. And even when you see a smile on their face, it looks more like a fake smirk.
According to experts, people tend to show their upper teeth while smiling when they are interested in someone. It’s another nonverbal cue that happens subconsciously and betrays appeal and trust toward someone.
Then there are also some facial expressions that can help you tell if your life partner’s smile is genuine. For instance, if she or he smiles but the joy doesn’t reach their eyes, then most likely they’re faking it. The same thing applies if their eyes remain wide open. A real smile involves both the muscles of the eyes and those of the mouth.
So, if your life partner smiles only with their mouth but their eyes stay indifferent, they are pretending to enjoy your company.
If you liked our article about signs your spouse hates you, here’s another one you may be interested in too: 8 Reasons Why Marriages Don’t Last Anymore, According to Counselors.