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9 Body Language Signs Your Spouse Hates You

Widower, divorce
Photo by 4 PM production from Shutterstock

8. Your spouse’s body language is unresponsive

When we’re interested in someone and what they’re saying to us, we unconsciously mirror their body language. Just like looking them in the eye or nodding our heads, it’s a way to show that we actively listen to what the person is saying.

If your life partner doesn’t do that when you talk to them, they won’t mirror you. You may move your hands as you talk and change your body position, but your spouse will remain still.

It’s also a sign they don’t empathize with you, and when this happens, it’s as clear as day that your spouse hates you. We feel empathy for the people we care about, and when this feeling is no longer there, our body language will speak for us.

So, if your life partner’s body language is unresponsive, you may want to address the elephant in the room. By the way, here’s a guide that can help you read people like a book!

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