3. Accepting his help
One of the things men want from you is to accept their help. I know you are perfectly capable of doing things by yourself, but accepting your SO’s help has nothing to do with your independence. We all want to feel needed from time to time, and your man will show you his love and care through action rather than directly telling you how much he cherishes you.
This is nothing like being a pretty damsel in distress. It’s more about how your partner wants to treat you and show you that he’s there for you when you need it, whether it’s carrying your grocery bags, changing your tires, or helping you solve a problem. These actions are his way of letting you know he wants to make your life easier and more pleasant. He only tries to be useful, and instead of going all alfa-woman, you can say thank you and appreciate it.
3 responses
I love the articles
Not enough blatant honesty. How about incredibly great lovemaking, and I mean in every way? It’s two ways there, but most women I’ve been with prefer receiving, and that gets old sometimes.
Women I’ve been with seem to just receive lovemaking than to give equally. Not enough blatant honesty in this article.