7 Things Men Want but Won’t Tell You About

cheating with a coworker, things men want
Photo by Motortion Films from Shutterstock

4. Compliments and appreciation

A man will most likely never ask you to give him additional compliments since he doesn’t want to come out as needing his ego stroking. However, everyone needs reassurance and appreciation, and therefore, one of the things men want from their lovers is to be complimented.

He probably tells you nice things more often than you tell him, whether it’s for your appearance, your nice outfit, a hilarious comment you made, or a goal you scored at work. But hey, a little ego-stroking is fine. Tell him what you like about him, how much you love it when you do something, how he’s such an important part of your life, and whatever cheesy thing you want to share.

These compliments and signs of appreciation will make him feel cherished and will help him feel more confident. Moreover, the more you compliment him on his qualities, the more you’ll notice them in him.

If you feel like you’re in a rut and your dating life is no longer exciting, check out this card game. It’s nice and fun, and it will give you lots of ideas on how to spice things up.

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3 responses

  1. Not enough blatant honesty. How about incredibly great lovemaking, and I mean in every way? It’s two ways there, but most women I’ve been with prefer receiving, and that gets old sometimes.

  2. Women I’ve been with seem to just receive lovemaking than to give equally. Not enough blatant honesty in this article.

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