6. Take the lead
We’ve previously talked about how males like to chase, but sometimes one of the things men want from you is to take the lead and surprise them. It’s always nice to mix things up, so if he’s always the one to initiate your bedroom activity, why not try to start it?
Women aren’t the only ones who fear rejection, even if we’re talking about long-term relationships. Men love confident women who know what they want and aren’t scared to go for it (but the same goes for us too, right?), so it will be s*xy as h**l to see you take the lead and surprise him with something only you know how to do.
3 responses
I love the articles
Not enough blatant honesty. How about incredibly great lovemaking, and I mean in every way? It’s two ways there, but most women I’ve been with prefer receiving, and that gets old sometimes.
Women I’ve been with seem to just receive lovemaking than to give equally. Not enough blatant honesty in this article.