5. Intimacy variety
Okay, okay, now we’re getting the physical things men want from you: variety in the bedroom. Having the same routine over and over again can be boring for both of you, which is why you have the freedom to spice things up.
Grab his hands and kiss him when he doesn’t expect it. Put a pretty revealing outfit on, try new things in the bedroom, ask him what he wants, and surprise him with a good old-fashioned special kiss (in the hidden area, I mean), and he’ll be on his toes in seconds. Moreover, the more you surprise him, the more he’ll want to reciprocate, so that’s always a plus to keep the spark and fun alive.
3 responses
I love the articles
Not enough blatant honesty. How about incredibly great lovemaking, and I mean in every way? It’s two ways there, but most women I’ve been with prefer receiving, and that gets old sometimes.
Women I’ve been with seem to just receive lovemaking than to give equally. Not enough blatant honesty in this article.