9 Signs Someone Secretly Has Feelings For You

Photo by Roman Samborskyi from shutterstock.com

4. They play with their clothing

You already know that we communicate nonverbally more than we do when using words, so it’s very important to pay attention to nonverbal language because it can be flirting at its finest.

If someone likes you, they might be a little shy in your presence, which means that they might start fidgeting when they’re talking to you. Pay attention to the way they play with their clothing because it can tell a lot about their feelings. For instance, if you notice that they’re playing around with their buttons, zipper, or sleeves, it’s a clear sign that they might be flirting with you.

Women typically play with their hair when they like someone, or they keep batting their eyelashes. So if the person you’re interested in keeps doing these things, that’s flirting.

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10 responses

  1. If someone is flirting with you, they may ask you if you think their fragrance smells nice. That way you’ll lean into them and take a whiff 🤣

  2. I remember a life time of friends doing all of these body movements, plus facial expressions, and teasing me. They all made me feel uncomfortable and I would ignore them, because I didn’t understand. As I an old man and living alone, I would say this all makes sense. I would give a lot of praise to this article.

  3. This is cute teen age play day. Who takes this serious? This would do way better in a teen magazine. If you are so insecure you need constant attention? and you are an adult >?Think about this! Will this person be a good partner? In a life long relationship? Think about it before you jump. How long before it is tiresome and you look around again?

  4. Some long stare in your eyes can be creepy and a warning sign. Take this with a grain of salt. beware of actions? Make sure you don’t make wrong choice. This is also a way to play a person.

  5. Red flag on this? What do they want from you? What is real or fake? Can you do this forever? If not what happens to relationship? Do your friends fine this strange?

  6. This is a true show of attraction to you. I trust this one! A Lot of people don’t know this one. It is sort of unconscious attraction. They may not know this. I think it could be pure.

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