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10 Things Women Want in Bed but Won’t Tell You

Photo by wavebreakmedia at Shutterstock

9. Special talk

As we’ve already discussed, women take a little longer to get in the mood, so why not give them some help? Another one of these important things women want in bed is for you to talk to them in a special way.

It will make them feel good and ready for action, and maybe it will encourage them to talk like that too. If you’ve never done it, you should know that it is very liberating, and it can get very blurry but wonderful.

10. Take control

We’re almost done with these things women want in bed (if you’d love part two of this article, or if you want to read what men would want in bed, leave a comment below and we’ll take care of it), but we still have something to tell you: take control.

Of course, it’s fun and exciting when women take control and decide what those romantic moments will look like, but if you want to surprise her like only you know how, be the boss. You’ll both enjoy it, and the afterglow will be priceless!

If you want to spice up your love life, here’s a fantastic game to put you both in the mood. Do you know any other things women want in bed? Leave them in the comments!

If you enjoyed reading about the things women want in bed, we have many other interesting articles for you to check out next! Until next time, here’s a fantastic post for you: 10 Things Your Partner Should Hear Every Day

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