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10 Things Women Want in Bed but Won’t Tell You

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Photo by 4 PM production at Shutterstock

Do you know what are the things women want in bed?

Bedroom time is something special and unique for every single couple, regardless of their orientation. It’s an opportunity to connect with one another on a deeper and more physical level; it’s great to relieve stress and anxiety, and we all know that the afterglow is one of the best things ever.

Even though it might seem pretty straightforward for many people, especially couples, to know what each other would love to receive in the bedroom, it’s more complicated than it seems.

For instance, when my husband and I were dating, we had a hard time getting to know each other more romantically and physically. I was too shy to tell him what I wanted, and I thought that keeping my mouth shut and letting him discover me would be better.

It wasn’t, because my husband didn’t know where to start either, so when we realized that the relationship was getting serious and we were rather comfortable with one another, we started telling each other more about our bedroom expectations.

I know that women can be hard to please, so if you want to know more about the things women want in bed, I’m going to share everything with you. Since I don’t shy away from my husband, I won’t shy away from you either, so let’s get this party started!

PS: If you follow my advice and do all these things women want in bed, they will make sure to treat you right! So get ready for something steamy and s**y!

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