5. Your spouse doesn’t nod when you talk
No. 5 on our list of signs your spouse hates you can also be noticed by analyzing your life partner’s behavior. Nodding your head is another strong indicator of approval and interest. We subconsciously move our heads up and down as the person in front of us talks to see if we agree with or approve of their words. Nodding your head also shows that we are truly paying attention and are actively involved in the discussion.
When the other person dislikes you or what you say, you’ll see that their neck is stiff. If you notice that when talking to your life partner, it may indicate that they are bored and not following at all. Moreover, if they don’t nod when you talk to them, this may be a sign your spouse hates you.
This body language cue translated into „I don’t find this conversation interesting” or „I don’t care about what you say”. In other words, this can be an obvious sign that your spouse hates you.