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9 Surprising Things Senior Men Look for in a Woman

senior dating
Photo by stockpexel from Shutterstock

7. Be Yourself

If you haven’t gone on a date for quite some time and now you’ve decided you’re ready to start dating again, you may feel tempted to put too much effort into impressing your date. Sure, this isn’t wrong, but this doesn’t mean you have to play the role of someone you’d rather be.

Trying to fit a mold and meet the standards of what men look for in a woman can get exhausting. Not to mention that doing that wouldn’t be very honest of you. As I said before, men in their senior years often look for a partner who’s truthful and genuine.

Your date will sense that something’s off and that you’re not being true to yourself. Therefore, he may get a sense of falseness about you, which can be a turnoff.

So, don’t boast about yourself on the first date—it isn’t a job interview. The best thing you can do is let your natural personality shine. In fact, we’re the most beautiful when we’re being true to ourselves.

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