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6 Post-Divorce Hobbies to Rediscover Yourself

narcissistic, post-divorce hobbies
Photo by – Yuri A from Shutterstock

Detangle Love presents you: post-divorce hobbies to rediscover yourself!

One of my best friends recently got divorced. She was with a fantastic man for over 30 years, but they started to have more and more problems. They spent a lot of time trying to reconcile and reignite the spark, but nothing helped.

They even went to couple therapy to talk about their issues with someone who was impartial, but after a few months of chatting with the expert, they realized that while they still loved each other, they were not in love anymore, and they weren’t happy.

So that’s how they decided to call it quits and move on. Both of them were devastated but somehow relieved that they could breathe properly again. I hope that love will find them again, either separately or together.

My friend spent a while crying every single day, then she realized that it was time to focus on the good things and picked up some post-divorce hobbies to rediscover herself. She wanted to feel whole again and to be able to be on her own after more than 30 years of having someone by her side.

I think that she might not be the only one going through such difficult times, so I asked her what those post-divorce hobbies were that she found so useful. Whether you feel angry, sad, devastated, or joyful after signing the papers, this article is for you!

Without further ado, here are the best post-divorce hobbies to rediscover yourself!

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