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True Love DOES Exist and These 12 Signs Prove It



I am blessed enough to say that I have experienced true love in many forms. My mother truly loves me, my partner truly loves me, my children; and even my oldest friend. But throughout my entire life, I’ve mistaken toxicity, attachment, and lust for true love, and I guess that’s just how life works. You don’t learn your lesson until you’ve had your fair share of experiences. But you can do better than me, because let me tell you something: if you don’t recognize anything written here, then you’re not really experiencing true love, and you definitely deserve to!

True love might take many various forms, so defining it would be too complicated. Truth is, you can form this incredible bond with anyone close or far away from you, from friends to family and lovers.

Even so, it seems that we lost the true meaning of emotion. Sadly, many people seem to be disconnected from themselves, up to the point where they mistake love for negative emotions, such as possessiveness and manipulation.

Beyond all the beautiful feelings, genuine love and affection have a much deeper meaning. Anyone who ever loved somebody KNOWS instantly how transformative and miraculous one can feel. What love does to our souls, minds, and bodies, is simply endless and pure. Here’s what true love really sounds like:

true love
Photo by Ground Picture from Shutterstock

It defies any differences and accepts everything

We’re all special in our own way. That’s why there’s no such thing as identical twins. Our unique experiences influence the way we view the world, and that’s the beauty of the real world: it doesn’t think that people who are different are also bad. Accepting your differences is nothing but a sign of true love.

It prioritizes the needs of the other person over your own

It’s true that most of the time, people got used to acting inherently selfishly. We got stuck with this wrong mentality because of a constant drive to survive in this difficult and complicated world, but this doesn’t mean that it’s good for love.

In fact, you can’t call it love if you’re not willing to put the other person before yourself! When you’re truly in love, all you care about is making them happy. That’s all that really matters to you, and in order for that to happen, you’re willing to go to any given length, just to make them feel valued.

It makes you happy, not anxious

Unfortunately, lots of people believe that being involved in a long-term relationship is the same thing as love. Just because you’re in a relationship, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you and your partner truly love each other.

If there’s a constant fight between you two, but also a lot of jealousy, and possessiveness, followed by emotional, verbal, and physical abuse, then this is definitely not love.

It’s unconditional

Even if the content of unconditional love might seem a bit far-fetched, only a couple of people truly know what it means. Unconditional love is always super real. Also, unconditional love is when you truly love somebody, without expecting anything else in return.

They might not give back what you offer them, but that doesn’t matter that much to you. You’re simply so grateful and happy to have met such a wonderful person, that you don’t expect other than what they are willing to give you.

true love
Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

Ego has nothing to do with love

In the presence of love, there’s no such thing as ego. In fact, it has nothing to do with arguments! Every couple might disapprove, it’s normal, and that has nothing to do with the presence or absence of true love.

However, reconciling does. When it’s too difficult for you to be apart from one another, no matter whose fault is it, that’s true love. When you’d rather fight FOR each other instead of AGAINST each other, then you know that you truly love somebody.

It doesn’t ask for material possessions and doesn’t feel jealous

Love won’t ask you for money, gifts, or a car, because it already has the most important thing: freedom. If you want to keep two people together, you don’t have to hold on to them too tightly and maybe even crush their wings. True love would rather nurture than keep something for oneself.

That’s probably one of the most beautiful lessons of selflessness. When you truly love somebody, you want them to feel appreciated, but you also wish the best for them. You want to see how their dreams become reality. You show love and appreciation for all the hard work they’ve put into something, and that’s truly beautiful.

It heals

The undeniable power of true love is that it can heal you and assist you in finding your happiness, no matter how much you have suffered in the past. As long as you feel safe and secure now that you are truly loved, this is all that matters. Being truly loved will only help you find peace with yourself and the world. No matter where you might be, love is what makes you feel appreciated and valued.

Love means never being forced to live up to anyone’s expectations

Sometimes, we’re too caught up in our own expectations, and we forget to tune in with the present. And sometimes, this kind of behavior reflects in our relationships, too, especially if we expect others to act in a certain way. We want them to be more caring, loving, maybe even more clever, and attentive to our needs.

But they’re all expectations, and it goes fully against what true love really is, which is loving someone just the way they are. That’s why expectations are nothing but your own demands for loving someone else. True love won’t ask for anything other than what’s already there, as simply the fact that you know and love them fills you with gratitude.

true love
Photo by NDAB Creativity from Shutterstock

Love helps you develop spiritually and personally, together

A true bond of love and trust will always bring you closer to your true self. Whether we’re talking about plants, animals, or humans, we all need to grow if we want to survive. Well, a deep connection will help us grow naturally, which frees us from any toxic and intrusive thoughts that might hurt the process.

Love is the ability and power to work well with others

Being part of a team is also about true love. You have to learn when to assert your own authority and when to yield to your partner’s demands.

When two people are truly meant to be and love each other, their strengths and weaknesses mend together in a beautiful symbiosis, which makes it much easier for them to build something together. If they have the same objectives and they collaborate and communicate with them, it will be much easier to achieve ANYTHING.

It’s extremely compassionate

Understanding a certain situation from a different perspective is also known as empathy, and love is very similar to this quality. Hurting someone you truly care about crushes you just as much as it crushes them, and just the thought of them being sad or even hurt would be too much for you to bear.

You only wish them well. If that’s how you love the ones around you, then it’s truly remarkable. There’s nothing more powerful than to love and help someone just the way they need it, not the way YOU think they need it. It shows that you’re wise and intelligent and that you know the ones around you very well.

Love requires Respect

If you don’t know how to nurture the deep bond that you’ve been blessed with, you will become more critical and dissatisfied with your own life. Give each other space for individual development, and make sure you never cross the line, and that’s how you will keep the flame alive forever.

If you were looking for more insightful articles, look no more: 9 Painful Signs There’s No Physical Attraction Anymore

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