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9 Painful Signs There’s No Physical Attraction Anymore

On this episode of DETANGLE

Discovering that my ex-husband was no longer physically interested in me was one of the main reasons we got divorced in the end. I am not saying that every marriage or relationship that’s dealing with this sort of issue will end up the same, but if there are any problems between the two of you, the best way to address them is through communication.

What are the main signs your partner is no longer physically attracted to you?

When you first entered the relationship, you may have thought that you would like each other until the end of time. And each day will be filled with roses and sunshine. In reality, this is nothing more than a fairytale, because unfortunately, in life, things aren’t going to be easy all the time, and we have to be prepared to face unexpected situations but also know how to solve them.

If at the beginning of your relationship everything went smoothly (including the intimate moments) and now, after a while, things don’t seem to improve, then it’s time to pay attention to the signs that might indicate something is wrong in your connection.

Today we will talk about how you can read between the lines and see what the main signs are that your partner is no longer physically attracted to you.

Photo by 4 PM production from Shutterstock

1. You feel nothing when they give you a French kiss

I would be a liar if I didn’t admit that French kisses are probably the best thing on earth. They are, well, you know! You can’t really describe them in words, but you know that the extraordinary sensations we feel during them make us think about other stuff as well. So one thing is certain: this is probably one of the first signs that you need to pay attention to!

If you don’t experience any excitement during kissing, then it’s obvious that your partner doesn’t like you anymore. See if there is a change in your way of kissing, and if you sense something unusual, don’t be afraid to talk about it. This will only help you both understand if this relationship can be saved or not.

2. They no longer touch you

This doesn’t necessarily refer to being intimate. There are simple gestures like cuddling, kissing, or even holding hands that are three signs that someone is still attracted to you. But if you sense that your partner has been distant lately or they no longer feel the need to do the things they enjoyed doing before, this might be a painful sign that they are not physically attracted to you anymore.

If they actively back away when you try to hold or touch them, then they are losing (or may have completely lost) their attraction to you.

If you’ve talked about the problems that you have and you still want to try a couple more times to see if it’s possible to save your relationship, I suggest you try this: make some nice dinner, buy yourself some nice and sexy clothes, and then try to get comfortable. Maybe this amazing book that’s rated 4.4 out of 5 will guide you on this journey!

3. You barely talk anymore

You probably know that for a relationship to work, you need to be on the same page and communicate as much as possible. Can you recall the last time you two had a conversation? If you don’t remember the date, either it was a long time ago or it wasn’t that significant.

If you feel that your partner is not listening to you anymore when you talk or when you draw their attention, it’s one of the major signs that they are no longer attracted to you.

Start repairing this tense situation with baby steps. First, ask them how their day was, and before moving on to the next question, make sure you both pay attention to each other. Don’t forget about the eye contact, which is very important!

4. They never seem to be in the mood

One of the most painful signs that your lover isn’t attracted to you anymore is the lack of intimacy. It’s true that after a while, couples who live together tend to fall into a routine that reduces the amount of time they spend being intimate. But if your partner never comes up with new ideas to improve your sensual moments, it’s time to have a discussion about it.

Talk about your needs and how you can reciprocate them. If there is love, you can always find ways to compromise in order to make your partner happy while also being happy yourself.

Photo by Gajus from Shutterstock

5. Compliments are rare

In a healthy relationship, complimenting your better half is something that must come naturally. But you should ask yourself a question: Does your partner compliment you about anything? And how often do they do that? No matter how frequently you give or receive compliments, you must know that they are very important in the overall process of a person’s growth. These words that encourage us to do more should come from the person we share our lives with. But if they don’t do this at all, that might be a problem.

If this bothers you, try to have a conversation with your partner about it. And, to prove your point, begin by complimenting them first.

6. Spending time together feels forced

Of course, it’s a problem if your partner doesn’t make time for you, but even when you do spend time with them, it may not feel right or you may feel left out. All the things you do together seem natural, or are they forced? Or does your lover seem eager for it to be over?

If your partner seems distracted or upset during your “quality” time together, it’s one of the signs that they might not be attracted to you anymore. This may be because of routine (it’s something that happens to most of the couples), and then it’s time to shake things up a bit by doing something new.

7. They want to spend more time apart from you

If all these above-mentioned signs that your partner is not attracted to you anymore didn’t worry you, this one definitely should. Why? Because when somebody wants to spend more and more time apart from you, they are not interested in you like they used to be in the past. However, in case they have a rough patch or they simply want to spend some time on their own, you shouldn’t be concerned. A lot of people cope with their bad moods by isolating themselves. Just talk to your partner and see if there is something you can do for them.

8. You’re fighting more often than usual

Another red flag in a relationship is when the couple is fighting too often. If you notice that your partner is more grouchy than usual and they never lose the opportunity to argue about even the little things, that is definitely a sign that there is something wrong. It could be one of the signs that they are no longer interested in you, but it could also indicate that something else is causing problems in your relationship.

The best way to find out what’s wrong is by talking to them as honestly as possible. Ask them what’s wrong and what you can do to make things better, and how and if they still see a future with you.

9. Romance disappeared completely

There is no surprise in the fact that, after the honeymoon phase, romance tends to disappear in long-term relationships. People become more comfortable with each other through some sort of routine, and somehow they don’t need to prove themselves anymore.

However, if your partner has stopped showing you any signs of affection (and we’re not just talking about being intimate), it’s time to reconsider your relationship and have a serious discussion about this.

Do you suspect that your partner might cheat on you? Then you might want to check out this article too.

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