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Don’t Fall in Love After 70 Before Reading These 10 Rules!

On this episode of DETANGLE

Love can happen at any age! You’re never too old to fall in love! There are no rules regarding love, and because of that, WE can be happy and have fun at any age. In fact, 70 is the new 20s. If you are ready to step onto the dating scene again, put on your fanciest clothes, take my hand, and let’s ride through some of the most important rules of dating after 70 that you should definitely keep in mind next time you meet somebody!

All you need is love…

Who says you can’t fall in love after the age of 70? 

If the thought of dating at 40 scared you, imagine how intimidating dating after 70 sounds. However, it’s not impossible to find your path and someone compatible with you, even if you’re not young anymore. But you’re not sure where to begin? Don’t fret! Because in this article we will share some of the most amazing tips for dating after 70, according to experts.

Everyone wants to be loved no matter their age, and as people get older, their desire remains the same. Finding love later in life may appear different than it did previously, particularly in recent years, even though your wants and tastes may have transformed throughout the years. Let’s look at how to make the most of your golden years!

photo by oneinchpunch from Shutterstock

1. Always have an open mind

If you’re 70 or you’re approaching this age in small steps, then you’re probably more emotional than usual. You noticed that things changed over the past years, and you can definitely say that you’ve seen enough until now. And that is true, but if you’re ready to find love again, you must let these thoughts go.

Keep an open mind and try to move on from all the bad experiences you’ve had because these will only harm your potential relationships. Enjoy the present moment without dwelling on the past, and allow the other person to know you just the way you are: an amazing human being! The secret to finding a loving partner is to be open to meeting new people. For instance, try starting a conversation with someone you don’t know when grocery shopping.

2. Show your date you are confident and happy

A positive attitude will always attract positive people and situations. It’s true that we all have bad days, but if you’re looking for a partner, it’s crucial to show them that you’re confident and, most importantly, happy with who you are now, no matter the situation. If you have a positive attitude and you emanate serotonin from all your pores, then you will definitely make a good impression.

I remember seeing one of my neighbors who had a portable oxygen tank, but she was so positive and optimistic that I couldn’t believe my eyes. She was always smiling, and as a result, she got a lot of dates and set a good example for others to follow. Cool, right?

3. Love yourself first!

This is an important step, whether you’re trying to find a date or not. In fact, this should be crucial for any human being, because only if you love yourself first will you be able to have a good relationship with the people around you. Confide in yourself more, be open to revealing your feelings no matter if they’re good or bad, and always focus on creating a life that you enjoy.

Of course, you can’t hide your wrinkles and get back in time to be 20 again, but you can also be confident and happy with the way you are now. See the bright side of the situation: You’re now more attractive because, after catching a glimpse of your physique, you can impress your date with the way you think. Give yourself a chance to become the best version of yourself! You can do it.

4. Pay attention to your wardrobe

If you’re a man who used to have your wife do the laundry most of the time, you probably don’t pay attention to the details now that you’re single or widowed. But let me tell you a secret: if you want to start looking for love and dating again, try to be more careful with your appearance.

Choose your best clothes because, believe it or not, most women really appreciate a good-looking suit over a sloppy, stained sweater! When meeting someone new, give it your all. Looking beautiful shows that you also care about other people.

photo by oneinchpunch from Shutterstock

5. Expand your social circle

A lot of elders are not fans of social media, and with good reason. Some may find it overwhelming because they don’t know how to use the apps, while others may find it impossible to open themselves in front of a screen. If you’re a fan of classic dating, it’s important to try to expand your social circle.

This can be done via other friends and acquaintances that can introduce you to other people or through retirement communities in your neighborhood. Besides being super fun to meet other people, you can also discover new hobbies that can bring you closer to someone else who shares your interests. After all, you never know where love will strike!

Hey, are you in for a lovely read? If you’re a fan of romance books, I have a wholesome recommendation for you, my darling: Love in the Late Edition by Reg Henry is a meaningful true story about a retired man who got widowed soon after he moved to a retirement community in California. Reg Henry managed to illustrate that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, even if we are not that young anymore. My personal rating for this book is definitely five out of five stars!

6. Take your time entering into a physical relationship

Even though the time may be shorter, most older dates said they’re not in a rush to become intimate right away, especially if they’ve already fallen in love. Hormones and societal expectations dominated your twenties. Right now, you want to talk to someone who can appreciate your ideals and thoughts. It’s best to take things slowly and easily because “happily ever after” is no longer the focus but rather comfort and understanding.

7. Always trust your instincts!

No matter how young or old we are, we must trust our instincts! If you’re not ready to love again, then listen to yourself. For example, if you’ve had some bad relationships in the past or you’re still recovering after the death of your spouse, then it’s OK to allow yourself some time and get back to the dating scene when you’re completely healed. You can still date casually, but be careful because there are a lot of people who want to take advantage of others.

If your heart says yes, then trust it and move on to the next step. After a certain age, we look for someone we can fully trust because we don’t have time to play games anymore! It’s very important to feel and reciprocate love.

8. Step outside your comfort zone

Change things up a little if your strategy is out of date! To initiate a conversation or make the first move, both men and women should feel free. Make a date that brings you someplace you’ve never been. Remember that love can come to you in the most unexpected places!

By taking a chance, you stand out from the crowd and become more fascinating. A lot of elders love being surprised, and a lot more others appreciate people who are willing to do something new and interesting despite their age.

9. Don’t overwhelm by talking about your past

If you want to find love, be ready to let go of your past, since nobody likes meeting with people who bring up their former partners in any discussion. This might be a huge turn-off for your potential future partner. Of course, you can briefly mention if you were once married or if you’re widowed, but that doesn’t mean you have to complain about this the entire evening. Otherwise, your date will see you as a complainer.

This applies in a situation where you’re still attached to a former spouse and you praise them too much. Your date may fear that this is a competition that they will never win. Don’t stay caught in your past if you want to give yourself a chance and discover love in retirement! Accept the situation, but make an effort to move on.

10. Don’t look for a replacement

When looking for love, you should keep an open mind as well as an open heart! A lot of relationship counselors say that people after a certain age are mostly looking for a replacement. It’s either they lost their spouse or they divorced, and looking for a new partner is more about filling a “gap” than focusing on discovering a person that’s completely new, and you may have the chance to do things differently now.

Accept the fact that a new partner will be different from the previous one, and you shouldn’t seek to turn them into something they are not! And one of the most important things: please don’t compare them! Allow yourself to discover that love is possible even after a certain age and be who you really are. You deserve to be happy!

If you’re looking to find love in retirement, stay put because we have a lot more articles about this subject! and we bet you will enjoy reading them as well.

Our suggestion for today is: SENIORS ONLY: 6 Great Ways to Meet Your Next Date.

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