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Am I a Bad Wife for Thinking About Other Men When He’s Away? Vote Here!

thinking about other men
Photo by wavebreakmedia from

Am I a bad wife for thinking about other men?

I must admit that it’s not that easy for me to write this article and pour my heart into it. But hey, my secret’s safe with all of you, right? (*haha*) If you’ve read any of the articles that I’ve written on this website, you already know that I’ve been with my husband for over 20 years, and I love him with all of my heart, but sometimes I surprise myself thinking about other men.

I’ve recently met with one of my closest friends, and we’ve talked about those years when we weren’t married, didn’t have children, and our lives were carefree. She asked me something that made me question quite a few things. She suddenly put her drink down, and out of the blue, a weird question came out of her mouth: “Don’t you miss the time you weren’t married, you were single, and you could date any man you liked?

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