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Am I a Bad Wife for Thinking About Other Men When He’s Away? Vote Here!

thinking about other men
Photo by Elnur from

Oops, that pressed some long-forgotten buttons, and I admit that I did respond “sometimes yes” to her question. I’m all about a happy and loving life with the person that you consider makes you the happiest, but what can you do if a little part of you misses that experimenting period?

So yes, what I’m telling you is that there are times when my mind is going to different places and I surprise myself by thinking about other men. Am I a bad wife for doing so? Is thinking about other men considered emotional cheating?

Have you ever felt the same? Vote here, because I’m starting to think that this might be called unfaithfulness too, and I’m curious to see if you’ve ever been through something like that.

But if you want to know what the classic signs are that someone thinks about other people outside of the relationship, we’ll cover that up in today’s article too, so keep reading because we have some juicy things to talk about!

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